Wednesday, May 13, 2015


Camille is being promoted to big sister! Baby # 3 is due in November!
I'm officially out of my 1st trimester and we are SO excited! I feel really, really blessed to be able to do this for a third time. Especially because I know couples are struggling to conceive. Having a child is a privilege not afforded to everyone. I went to the doctor just last week and heard the heartbeat. That sound never gets old, and the entire process just completely amazes me.
Children were never on my radar, even as a young adult right out of college, and even though I was in a serious relationship. My girls were not really "planned" and my God how happy I am that they weren't. The best things in life are sometimes unexpected gifts. God's plan is always greater. I often wonder, if things didn't happen the way they did, if we would even have children at this point in our lives? I never expected to enjoy motherhood as much as I do. It is easily the greatest accomplishment in my life. This is the vocation that I'm called to...married life and motherhood. The Lord is giving me the opportunity to love, protect, and raise these children that are his. Those are things I don't take lightly. How amazing a privilege. I try to remember that every day especially days when I don't feel "motherly."
The first 3 months have been pretty easy. I've never had morning sickness for any of my children. Praise God because I think I would have stopped after 1! Besides fatigue, I've been feeling fine. I'm praying for a healthy baby, a healthy pregnancy, and a healthy delivery.