Friday, January 30, 2015

A Friday Favorite

A few of the ladies from some of my favorite blogs, always share their Friday Favorites. I'm joining in today to talk about one specific favorite from the week! So this is my Friday favorite, the bittersweet edition...
Parenthood's series finale was last night, and it was one for the books. I don't have much time for TV, and I often chose to watch mindless, funny shows (The Bachelor/Dancing with the Stars/American Idol) just as a way to escape reality for an hour each night. Parenthood is altogether different. I know for a fact I've never seen season 1 (which I'm going to rectify very soon). I think I stumbled upon it somewhere in the middle of season 2 and was hooked from season 3 through season 6. There has never been a show on TV quite like this one. The family dynamic, the chaos and dysfunction. It was so completely real. I tip my hat to the writers/producers/actors for their talent. It was an amazing show. I am so sad to see it go. I don't know what I'm going to do on Thursday nights without the Braverman's. I'm not sure how I felt about the death at the end (because I secretly want everyone to live forever), but it was a true testament to the saying "life goes on." It was orchestrated perfectly.
If you've never seen an episode, do yourself a favor and buy the seasons or watch them on Netflix. You won't be disappointed.

Friday, January 23, 2015

6 years down...

6 years ago, today, we did this...
 January 23, 2009 was one of the best days of my life. I remember being on cloud 9 and so happy to be starting a new chapter in my life with him. We were friends for 2 years and then dated for 6 years before we were married. I feel like we've been together forever, but sometimes I feel like it was just yesterday. 6 years of marriage today is like an anomaly so I'm happy to say that if I had to go back and do it over again, I would most definitely pick him.   

Marriage is hard. Marriage with children is harder. Love and commitment are things we have to chose daily in order to keep this marriage strong. I'm so lucky to have married a good man who works tirelessly for his family and is a great father to his children. I remember in our marriage retreat, a few weekends before we were married, I was asked what quality it was about him that first attracted me to him. What I said that day is so true, and is still true 6 years later...he has a good heart. Cliché or not, he is my best friend, he can always make me laugh, and he knows me so very well. It's easy to go through life with someone like him by my side. My prayer is that we are blessed with many, many more years together. One of the best decisions I ever made was marrying him.
Happy Anniversary, Craig! I love you!

Thursday, January 1, 2015


I've never spent much time or effort into thinking about a new year, but I think I'm becoming more reflective the older I get. I'm not one to make resolutions so I think this year I'm going to make some goals (monthly and yearly) and try to be successful in reaching most of those.
I'm naturally a planner so I'm going to take those skills and map out the year both for myself and my family. The disadvantage of being a planner by nature is that I often get caught up in "my plan." If it doesn't work out the way I planned it, then I'm frustrated/aggravated, etc. I'm going to try really hard to create a baseline for the year but remember that things always come up and plans change. I should know by now that some of the best things in life that have happened to me have been God's doing and not my own. I would have never "planned" for things to work out the way they did, but I'm so glad his plans for my life are better than my own.
I hope 2015 brings wonderful memories and experiences, lots of happiness, and a healthy year for my family. Those are the things I'm most grateful for when I look back on 2014.
Cheers to a new year and a fresh outlook! Until next time...