Friday, January 30, 2015

A Friday Favorite

A few of the ladies from some of my favorite blogs, always share their Friday Favorites. I'm joining in today to talk about one specific favorite from the week! So this is my Friday favorite, the bittersweet edition...
Parenthood's series finale was last night, and it was one for the books. I don't have much time for TV, and I often chose to watch mindless, funny shows (The Bachelor/Dancing with the Stars/American Idol) just as a way to escape reality for an hour each night. Parenthood is altogether different. I know for a fact I've never seen season 1 (which I'm going to rectify very soon). I think I stumbled upon it somewhere in the middle of season 2 and was hooked from season 3 through season 6. There has never been a show on TV quite like this one. The family dynamic, the chaos and dysfunction. It was so completely real. I tip my hat to the writers/producers/actors for their talent. It was an amazing show. I am so sad to see it go. I don't know what I'm going to do on Thursday nights without the Braverman's. I'm not sure how I felt about the death at the end (because I secretly want everyone to live forever), but it was a true testament to the saying "life goes on." It was orchestrated perfectly.
If you've never seen an episode, do yourself a favor and buy the seasons or watch them on Netflix. You won't be disappointed.

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