Thursday, September 8, 2016

Summer 2016

Summer 2016 will be one that I'll always remember. It was the first summer that I was home with both my girls and a baby...and we survived!

We had our challenging days for sure, but we were also able to spend a lot of time together and with family. The days are long but the years are short. I truly believe that. 

The older girls attended vacation bible school the first week of summer so we've been singing the VBS songs all summer long. They also freshened up their skills at swimming lessons and flipped and jumped their way through gymnastics every week. We even found some time for blueberry picking, skating, and a trip to the zoo! Our summer vacation was a week long stay in Orange Beach, Alabama with our extended family. We also enjoyed a wedding in the family. My husband's sister and her fiancé were married over the Labor Day weekend. It was a beautiful wedding and such a fun time.

 On a somber note, our town (and surrounding towns) experienced an awful rain and flooding event just a few short weeks ago. It will forever be remembered as the Flood of 2016. By the grace of God, we were not affected, but we have many friends who have lost everything. Their homes were destroyed. Everywhere you look is complete devastation. My heart goes out to them. However, in times like these, our community pulls together and people become a living example of Christ on earth; truly helping your neighbor. I've never been more proud to call Youngsville, LA my home. 

Labor Day has passed, and I'm officially ready for Fall, my favorite time of year. I may or may not have already decorated my house for the new season!!

Until next time...

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